hysop.constants module¶
Default values for constant parameters used in hysop package.
Mostly deals with float/int numbers precision and some labels for numerical methods and operators.
This file is generated from constants.py.in and it’s probably a bad idea to modify it.
- hysop.constants.AutotunerFlags¶
Configuration flags for kernel autotuner (automatic runtime parameters tuning for cuda and opencl).
- hysop.constants.Backend¶
Operator backends
- hysop.constants.BoundaryCondition¶
Boundary conditions enum
- hysop.constants.BoxBoundaryCondition¶
Box boundary conditions enum.
- hysop.constants.CacheType¶
Cache type enum
- hysop.constants.DeviceType¶
Device type enum
- hysop.constants.DirectionLabels = 'XYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW'¶
Directions labels up to 5d
- hysop.constants.Directions¶
Directions enum
- hysop.constants.FieldProjection¶
Field projection mode for Poisson solver
- hysop.constants.FpConfig¶
Floating point flags
- hysop.constants.HYSOP_BOOL¶
type for booleans
- hysop.constants.HYSOP_COMPLEX¶
Set default type for complex numbers
- hysop.constants.HYSOP_DEFAULT_TASK_ID = 999¶
Default value for task id (mpi task)
- hysop.constants.HYSOP_DIM¶
integer used for arrays dimensions
- hysop.constants.HYSOP_EPS = 2.220446049250313e-16¶
machine epsilon for HYSOP_REAL
- hysop.constants.HYSOP_INDEX¶
type for array indices
- hysop.constants.HYSOP_INTEGER¶
type for integers
- hysop.constants.HYSOP_MPI_INTEGER = <mpi4py.MPI.Datatype object>¶
integer type used in MPI
- hysop.constants.HYSOP_MPI_REAL = <mpi4py.MPI.Datatype object>¶
float type used in MPI
- hysop.constants.HYSOP_ORDER = 'C'¶
default array layout (fortran or C convention)
- hysop.constants.HYSOP_REAL¶
Set default type for real numbers
- hysop.constants.Implementation¶
Operator implementations
- hysop.constants.MemoryOrdering¶
Memory ordering enum
- hysop.constants.MemoryType¶
Memory type enum
- hysop.constants.PenalizationFormulation¶
Penalization formulations
- hysop.constants.Precision¶
Real number precision configuration (default_precision = HYSOP_REAL).
- hysop.constants.ResidualError¶
Space discretization for stencil generation
- hysop.constants.SIZEOF_HYSOP_BOOL = 1¶
Size in memory of hysop boolean type
- hysop.constants.SIZEOF_HYSOP_COMPLEX = 16¶
Size in memory of hysop complex default type
- hysop.constants.SIZEOF_HYSOP_DIM = 4¶
Size in memory of hysop dim type
- hysop.constants.SIZEOF_HYSOP_INDEX = 4¶
Size in memory of hysop index type
- hysop.constants.SIZEOF_HYSOP_INTEGER = 4¶
Size in memory of hysop integer type
- hysop.constants.SIZEOF_HYSOP_REAL = 8¶
Size in memory of hysop real default type
- hysop.constants.SpaceDiscretization¶
Space discretization for stencil generation
- hysop.constants.StretchingFormulation¶
Stretching formulations
- hysop.constants.SymbolicExpressionKind¶
Expression kinds for custom symbolic operators.
- hysop.constants.System¶
System type enum.
- hysop.constants.TimeIntegratorsOptimisationLevel¶
Optimisation level for time integrators.
WITH_GUESS: no need to recompute the right-hand side, an initial guess must be given in input arguments.
NOALIAS: no need to recompute the right-hand side, an initial guess must be given in input arguments and we ensure that y is different from result arg.
- hysop.constants.boundary2str(b)[source]¶
Helper function to convert a BoundaryCondition to a short string.
- hysop.constants.default_order = C_CONTIGUOUS(0)¶
Default HySoP memory ordering for array allocations.